Thursday, January 30, 2014

When in Doubt...

Pray it Out & Turn to God.
Are you having a tough day or can't seem to stop stressing over little things or even big things? I know I do sometimes and have family that does a lot. My solution, turn to God. Give him your problems and have faith that He will help you through. Praying all the time helps me in the worst of situations. I have anxiety really bad. Especially when Kendrix came along. I had never been more scared to do certain things in every day life. It had been a time that I forgot about my faith. I forgot about the one who helps me through so much. I'm pretty sure I had never prayed so hard. Praying hels eliminating your mind from the things you're worried about. Trust me.
The Lord died on the cross for you and me so we may have hope of eternal life with Him in Heaven. He wants us to strive to be more like Him every day. Praying, praching His word, leading people to Him. He is the reason we are even here people! Your little child sitting in your lap or playing in his room? God blessed you with that child. He blesses you every day with things you don't even realize you've been blessed with! Your husband or wife? Did you ever pray when you were younger to find the one you've been searching for for so long? I know I did. Especially when it felt all my hopes and dreams were just shattered. I know my husband and son are blessings from God and I thank Him every day for sending them to me. They saved my life.
Your little ones will benifit from praying too. My little Kendrix prays all the time with us. It brings tears to my eyes because I know he learned that from watching me. Kids really do watch every thing you do.
But seriously people. People need The Lord and it's up to us to lead them there. Praying daily will help you in your day to day struggles. It's actually very theraputic to know you always have someone to talk to. He doesn't talk back but he sure listens. Give Him all your problems and he will help you through them. Don't stray away from the one who gave you life. Be strong in your faith. You know what you're doing. I promise!
Much Love

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Crazy day/ Read to your Children

Yesterday my day was crazy. Took my mom to the airport so she could go to Hawaii and her flight got pushed back for 5 hours. Then my child decides to drop my phone and fall on it and break the screen. Not just the screen but the LED part so it would've costed about 300 dollars to fix. No thanks. So I just bought a new phone for about 200. I'm just thankful I got another phone. My mom is now in Hawaii. Enjoying the sun and I'm jealous. Really happy for her though. 

Anyways just something little today cause I've got a lot to do. Do your children like to read? Statistics show it's healthy and good to read to your child. I didn't believe my mom when she told me that but now I see it. Kendrix loves reading books. Any kind any time of the day. It makes my heart happy that we can have that kind of bonding experience together. If you haven't started reading to your child yet, you should! You won't be sorry! 

Sorry for such a short one today. 
Much love

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A little something for the young lovers

Every thing in marriage does not come easy. Being a young married couple we know all about that. Having all odds against us and people wanting us to fail is always fresh on my brain.

In our vows we have for better or for worse. When my husband and I got married, he was 19 and I was 18. We had no idea what we were really getting ourselves into. We don't really listen to the vows that are exchanged. We just want the kiss and to be officially married. I get that. We were the same way. Looking back at our vows we have for better or for worse. Vows are sacred and are meant to be kept. When times get tough, we have to stick it out. We are just now learning how to really communicate with each other. When times got tough I used to think divorce would just be so much better. Now that I look at it I was stupid for ever thinking that.

COMMUNICATE with your partner people! When you are angry with your spouse, don't start talking right away. Make a code word and you two go in separate rooms and think about what you're going to say. If you do that, you won't say things you don't mean. Ours is bubbles if any one was wondering. Talk about things as they come to mind unless you're angry. Communication is key for a successful marriage. People aren't kidding when they tell you this.

When you have all odds against you for being a young family, you just want to prove them all wrong. Getting married so young and having a child in the mix sets us up for failure. That's just what people think. We know we're beating all odds. We have been. Micah taking 15 hours of school a semester and everything for football with a child and wife is out of the ordinary. Us moving two and a half hours away from our home town to start our family isn't something you see teen married couples do. I knew moving down to Texas with Micah for school was the best option for our family. We just want what's best for us and our son.

Our marriage is far from perfect but it's my kind of perfect.

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 27, 2014

You & your body are beautiful

Maybe I'm insecure but who isn't? I have stretch marks from when the little one was in my tummy and gained weight from being pregnant. My hair isn't long and pretty like I'd like it to be. The girl next to me in the grocery line has three kids and is a twig. Why couldn't that be me?

Everyone's body is different. My body was my son's home for 9 months. Every stretch mark has a meaning to me. Every movement he ever had in my tummy every hiccup and kick. Even now that he's out they still have meaning. Yes i gained weight but I'm okay with that. Every insecurity about my body is what makes me unique. Apparently my husband thought the same thing because he married me. My husband does care about my stretch marks or my muffin top. He cares about what makes me, me. Me as in a woman. Maybe he does care about them though because they are what makes me who I am today. His wife and mother to our child. I'm the same person he fell in love with on the inside but maybe changed a little on the outside. He loves me for me and that's all that matters.

So ladies stop comparing yourself. You're beautiful in every way. Don't let any one tell you different. & your insecurities are what make you beautiful. You rock and don't ever change.

Much love

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Just some thoughts

My week is about to get so crazy. My mom, aunt, and grandparents are going to Hawaii and I have to house sit here in Oklahoma for two weeks. TWO WEEKS PEOPLE! Two weeks without my husband here with me. It truly sucks. How do some wives stay away from their husbands for weeks or even years?! I'm going crazy and it's only been a few hours! Luckily I've got our little man with me. If your husband has to go away for a while or vice versa how do you cope? I think lots of chocolate is in store for me!

I was reading a blog earlier about how before we became mommies we were his. His as in your husband. That post to me really hit me because it's true. We get so caught up in taking care of and giving our full attention to our children, we forget about the man who helped give you those precious children. Our husband's deserve as much attention that we give our children. That's something I totally need to work on.

Sorry for a short post but I haven't posted in a while cause I'm computer less this week. So it's all off my phone. :) have a good night everyone! 

Much love


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Late Post

I don't know what time most moms go to sleep but I usually don't go to bed till about 10:30 or 11ish. I titled it the late post cause 9:30 might be considered late to some people. Got Kendrix to bed in his own bed again! Yay! I feel like it's the start of something totally awesome. Even for nap time he's falling asleep and sleeping in his big boy bed. I guess the 18 month stage will bring good things but I know some bad things also. Kinda already learned that in Toddler Time at the library today. He pushed one of our friends babies down and then tried to kick him. How do you punish your child for bad things? I use the spankin' and time out for one minute after the spankin'. It actually is pretty affective for us. All kids are different so what works for us might not work for you. 

Yesterday I mentioned going to the zoo. Well we drove all the way down there to discover it was SUPER packed so we just took him to see Frozen instead. He did really good for his first movie. We took him around his nap time though which was stupid on our behalf so he fell asleep half way through. Least he didn't fuss or anything.

We live in a little one bedroom apartment and have no room for a table. So I came up with a genius idea of getting a card table. I think it's important for kids to understand and see the importance of eating at the table and having a quiet time. We attend church regularly and I've read that the key to keeping them quiet in church is to start at home. Kendrix does fairly well in church but he's very wiggly. So we went and bought a card table yesterday and ate every meal there today and Kenny seemed to love it. I also bought baby devotional books at Mardels today. One for the day time and one for night time. I used the night time one tonight and he loved it. I can't wait to read the bible story one to him tomorrow. 

I started my online classes today. They seem fairly easy but I'm nervous about my personality theories class. Prayers my way for classes would be awesome. How do y'all manage time to do personal things? I try to do mine when Kendrix is napping or if I have the energy I do it after he's asleep at night. Either way I usually get stuff done. 

Well I think I might go enjoy a little bath to myself since I'm not very sleepy. Goodnight all!


Monday, January 20, 2014

Bragging Rights

Sooooo I just have to brag about our son last night. When it was time to go night night he usually gets into bed with us. Well last night he climbed into his bed. Micah and I thought well this won't last but we covered him up anyways and gave him his Mickey Mouse. I usually have to sing to him to get him to go to sleep but last night I didn't have to! He fell asleep in his own bed like a big boy! We were so impressed. My little boy isn't so little anymore. We are so proud of our Kendrix.

On another not, Micah and I are doing wonderful. We've been taking marriage counseling and it has been helping us tremendously. I was very skeptical of doing counseling at first but it can really change you and your marriage. I feel like we now are both better people and parents because of it.

We are now on the hunt to get Micah a job. We feel it is probably easier for him to get a weekend job since his days are all booked up with class, football, and study hall. If anything else maybe a night job but we shall see. Which ever he gets we will be happy!

I haven't had my computer because I left it in Oklahoma when we went to go visit my mom so that's why I haven't posted much in a while. But hopefully I can keep up with this now.

Today we have a fun filled day.We were gonna take Kendrix to go see Frozen but I think we might go to the Ft. Worth Zoo instead since it's so nice out today! We'll see what Micah says when he gets home from workouts. hehe. Have an awesome day y'all!

Much love