Sunday, July 27, 2014

Life has a funny way of working itself out.

I've had a lot weighing heavy on my mind lately. Lots of random things.

First off, I can't believe Kendrix is already 2! Where in the world has the time gone?! Seems like just yesterday I just found out I was having a boy. Now he's talking like crazy, singing along to songs, and always smiling and laughing. Time sure flies when you're having fun raising a child! Now time for the potty training to somewhat begin. (oh boy)

As I looked back on the last post I posted, I've realized God has a wonderful plan for me. I may not understand it yet but I know I trust in him. Things may not always be as easy as I make it out to be but I know with God's help I can do anything. Thinking about this tough time I'm having just makes me realize how much stronger I'm becoming through it. To me, that's all that matters. Pages have turned and there were lessons learned. 

It takes a lot for someone to admit they're wrong. It also takes a lot for you to forgive someone that has done wrong to you. Forgiving people will make you so much stronger in the end. When you truly forgive someone, you never bring it up again. Forgiveness is never easy.

Trust is never easy either. Once you've lost someones trust, it's the hardest thing ever to get back. I'm not saying impossible but it's pretty hard. If you never give them a reason to not trust you in the first place, then you'll never have to worry. I used to have a lot of trust issues. Now I got the point of I trust you till you give me a reason not to.

When you fall out of love with a person, don't ever give up on love. Just because someone didn't know how to love or hurt you or whatever, don't give up. God has amazing plans a head of you. Even though you think the factors in your life may keep you from love, they won't. If someone loves you and actually know what love means, they will love everything about you. (yes ladies, even the flaws) 

My life had a funny way of working itself out. Kendrix and I are completely happy. I hope Kendrix's dad feels the same about his life. Though we may not be together any more I still hope the very best. That is true forgiveness. 

God knows what he's doing, so TRUST in Him.

Much Love,