Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I have been a terrible mom

Not in the sense that some of you are thinking.
I have been a terrible mom by not paying attention to him. Kendrix did something so cool for the first time and he looked to me to see if I was watching and what do you know I wasn't. I was on the stupid phone. It broke my heart to see Kendrix's face after he saw I wasn't watching. Nothing on my phone is more important than spending quality time with my son. Lots of people are guilty of this. We only get these times once. Today is already gone and you feel like you didn't even get to enjoy it. Quality time with our kids is so important in their development. Just don't forget to pay attention to your kids. Like I said I am guilty as much as the next and need to work on it myself but I just gotta think about how big Kendrix is and won't get the crazy 3 year old years again so make them count!
I am a terrible mom by not explaining things deeply to Kendrix.
He asked me the other day why I have to go to work. I explained it as mommy has to go to work because our new house costs money. He took it and understood it and went to school without thinking about it. When I picked him up he apparently had told his teachers that story and I couldn't believe it. Kids hear everything and replay everything they hear! It was amazing. I'm sure I could have explained it a little better but you have to explain things a way a little kiddo would understand. Kendrix and I laid in the back of the truck and looked up at the moon and stars for a little while one night. I asked him if he knew who made the stars and he said he didn't know. I said God made the stars and a lightbulb clicked. He also membered God made him to be my son. He said those exact words. God did bless me with having him as a son and quality time with him and explaining things to him should never feel like a burden. Questions are healthy for little kiddos. Our jobs as parents should be to explain things to them so they can understand how things and the world around them works. Believe me, it will help when they get bigger.
I just want Kendrix to know and understand I am trying to be the best I can be for him. He is my biggest and by far the greatest accomplishment in my life. He motivates me to do more for us every single day. As a parent I want to be better for him. Think of your kids when it comes to your actions. Think about your kids when it comes to your words and people you hang around. It breaks my heart when parents don't think about anyone but themselves. WE as parents are raising the next generation. WE as parents have the choice to raise our kids right. THINK ABOUT IT...
Much Love
Nothing beats these moments